weekend at Antigua Guatemala (Part 2)

Aqui otros de los blogs que publique en ingles y que tuvieron un buen recibimiento, esta es la parte 2 de mi fin de semana en la Antigua, hasta abajo esta la primer parte.... espero que les guste las fotos, no se olviden de dejar comentarios porque solo asi podre aprender, Gracias.
"Cristian Monterroso"
Here are a couple of pics from my weekend in antigua I hope you like em... leave some comments please :) or questions....
On the second day of shooting at Antigua I decided to take a walk on the town... It was a beautiful day, lots of turist walking on the park, the clip cloping of the horses walking down the stone street. I went to a "Bodega" where they sell a lot of beautiful art craft... but I noticed that a lot of people where coming out of the back of the "Bodega" as I got closer I saw some sort of shrine where people left Cigars, Alcohol and a lot of other stuff inside.... all of this was for Maximon
"Maximon" is a Saint worshipped in various forms by Maya people of several towns in the highlands of western Guatemala, worshippers offer money, spirits and cigars or cigarettes to gain his favour... Also they put a bottle of alcohol on his lap or right next to him.
"Maximon Antigua"

You can also find a lot of colorful stuff at this bodega...like this...
"Pelotas de lana"




I was at the "Mercado" looking at all the stuff they sell there when I heard music coming from the street, It was a soft magical music... I could hear a drum and a flute, It was enchanting. So I left the "mercado" and found myself drawn like every other turist and enjoyed this magical music played by a man and his two kids... The kids where so funny, everytime I wanted to take a pic of them they started making funny faces....
"NiƱo con chinchines"




"Street musicians"

Lindas fotos!! Segui asi!!
Te felicito, estan muy buenas tus fotos, ojala algun dia pueda tomar este tipo de fotos
El detalle de los colores esta muy bueno la foto de las pelotitas me parece muy buena
buenisimas las fotos!! viva guate!!!
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